Unseen Connection
There are many reasons why everyone should have a furry friend at home. Whether it's to calm you down, to help you with daily tasks, or to have someone who always looks forward to you coming home. This is a controversial subject, because some people believe that animals should not be pets, or that they just don’t like animals at home. The reasons that will be listed below will prove that everyone should have a pet and the benefit of it. Having a pet will help your mental health, reduce health risks and act as a reliable helper to people in need. Everyone loves their pets, especially me. As well as many pets, dogs have proven to reduce stress, anxiety, and even depression according to 5 Ways Help with Stress and mental health, on the site www.heart.org.They can also make you feel less lonely as well as encourage more exercise and going outside. Dogs especially require daily walks and play time. This will increase your vitamin D and improve your overall health and happiness, according to 5 Ways Help with Stress and mental health, on the site www.heart.org. It is also proven that people often get a rush of oxytocin, which is known as the bonding hormone. This occurs when you have affectionate and warm hearted interactions with your pets. Having animals also helps lower blood pressure as well as reduces the ultimate risk of heart disease. For example, finding ways to manage your stress, like spending quality time with your cats or petting your dogs can reduce health risks. These are just some of the many reasons why animals are more helpful than a lot of people make them out to be. Say that you are struggling with depression or living alone and you don’t know how to increase your happiness or decrease your loneliness. You might not be in the mental or physical state to adopt or have a kid or a relationship, so why not get a cat? Dogs and cats have shown to help decrease symptoms of depression as well as giving you a loyal companion that you can always count on to be there when you are stressed. Dogs also are good for people who have disabilities because they act right away if the owner is having a medical episode. These animals are called service animals and they not only make sure you’re healthy and secure, but they also bring companionship and serve as a trustworthy buddy to always rely on. Pets can calm their owner down if they are having a panic attack or just anxiety as well as alerting others if they need help. Dogs especially can even retrieve needed objects that someone in a wheelchair might need and provide balance for someone who struggles with the activity. They can open and close doors, pull wheelchairs, and recover medicine for their owner. These examples are just some of the many amazing helping opportunities that dogs exceed in that Healthline mentions. Animals are an essential part of life, and humans should take advantage of being able to have them. Whether it's at home, at school, or even at work, animals can help with many day-to-day activities and make them easier. Having a pet will help your mental health, reduce health risks, and act as a reliable helper to people in need. Next time you see a puppy in the shelter, or a cat on the street, remember that you need them just as much as they need you. “Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet”. - Sidonie Gabrielle Colette
Nola DaningerMy name is Nola Daninger I play volleyball everyday. It's my favorite sport. I have played for four years. I have also played soccer on and off. Photo by Eason Zhou Archives
February 2025
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