This is a picture I took while I was taking Driver's Ed over the summer. I used to have hair like in the picture above until around August 3. I decided to cut it when I realized I have to do too much in the mornings just for it to look decent. I'm Jacob Johnson, y'all's new classmate. This is my 1first year at NCS, I am a Jjunior, and I am 15 years old. I was born and raised in Roanoke, but I went to Salem until this year. Can you tell I love black and red?
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Jacob JohnsonAbove left is a selfie I took while I was taking Driver's Ed over the summer. I used to have hair like in the picture above until around August 3. I decided to cut it when I realized I have to do too much in the mornings just for it to look decent. I'm Jacob Johnson, y'all's new classmate. This is my 1first year at NCS, I am a Jjunior, and I am 15 years old. I was born and raised in Roanoke, but I went to Salem until this year. Can you tell I love black and red? Archives
May 2024
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