AuthorThe school photo from 2019 should be a classic example of a school portrait. “Smile!” She said. “Chin to the side. Head back, shoulders down, chest out. Now take a deep breath, smile, and hold it! Hey! Looks great.” In this case, I felt thoroughly uncomfortable. I dressed in somewhat garish, bright clothing. Wearing a vest made for me in Shanghai of green faux velvet with a custom fitted salmon colored shirt and a white tie with faint polka dots. It looks like someone is holding a lollypop up above the camera for me to gaze at merrily. Using Photoshop liberally, the photo company editing my photo to put much more space between my eyebrows, erased most of my numerous wrinkles, and whitened my teeth so that I looked like a contestant for a George Hamilton look-a-like contest. I guess the yearbook advisor didn’t want to use it, so they reused the previous year’s photo. ArchivesCategories |